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Joe Allison

À rejoins en date due:

Oct. 22, 2015





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What product to Use on 2013 Ford F150 FX4

I have a 2013 Ford F150 FX4 with OEM Remote Start. I want to add an Aftermarket Alarm System, such as Viper or similar, to the Truck. Will one of your Products allow a Plug and Play install of an After Market Alarm System? If one would, please let me know which one would be easiest for an install. Thanks


2013 F150 EVO-ALL, added SmartStart but lock/unlock doesn't work

Everything works great using the fob itself (OEM) and I have it setup for lock-unlock-lock SmartStart VSM300 installed today, flashed to activate RF unit in EVO-ALL. SmartStart unit starts the truck fine, but the lock/unlock does not work through the app/smartstart. it appears to "send" the command for the lock/unlock, but it does not lock/unlock without doing it on the OEM FOB. Any thoughts? That said, could this be because I DO NOT have the wires tapped at the BCM for lock, unlock and the door pin? It didn't say they were required connections on the basic (use OEM fob) install. However, are they required to get the SmartStart/RF unit to lock/unlock the truck? Joe


Ford leo kim (840Pts.)


2013 F150 w/ Factory Remote start, adding aftermarket remote starter?

Customer has 2 way compustar from previous car. And his new ride is 2013 F150. The truck comes with factory remote starter 4 buttons keyfob. But he wants to put his 2 way compustar(confirmation and longer range). Can this be done if followed by Evoall installation guide #3318, connection #4 and programming #5? 1 more question. getting lock/unlock wire from BCM at pass kick panel is not a problem but Evoall doesn't support lock/unlock? or Arm/diarm from Evoall will control lock/unlock?

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